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Geofencing uses your mobile device’s location services to automatically activate favorites on your system. Favorites are activated when you enter or leave the boundary of your geofence area.

Prefer a Video?

In this clip, we’ll show you how to use Geofences in the Virtual Keypad App.

Add a Geofence

  1. Tap the Menu icon and select Geofences.

  2. Tap the Edit icon, then tap Add.

  3. Name your geofence, then enter information into the following fields to create a new geofence.

  4. Tap Save.

On the map, a Map Pin is displayed at your current location. Pinch open to zoom in and create a smaller area for your geofence. Pinch closed to zoom out and create a larger area for your geofence.

If you’re not at the location where you want to set up your geofence, you can manually enter the address in Find Address or tap and drag your finger on the screen to move to the area you want to set as your geofence.

Toggle each device to include or exclude it in the geofence.

Enters Area
When your mobile device enters the boundary of the geofence, choose which favorite to activate or choose None.

Exits Area
When your mobile device exits the boundary of the geofence, choose which favorite to activate or choose None.

Smart Arming Reminder
When the creator of the geofence is the last to leave, the creator receives a notification to arm the system if the system was left disarmed.

Favorite Activation
The creator of the geofence receives a push notification when a favorite assigned to the geofence is activated by any device associated with the geofence.

Device Enter and Exit
The creator of the geofence receives a push notification when any active device enters or exits the geofence.

Edit a Geofence

  1. Tap the Menu icon and select Geofences.

  2. Tap the geofence that you want to edit.

  3. Make your changes, then tap Save.

Delete a Geofence

  1. Tap the Menu icon and select Geofences.

  2. Tap the Edit icon, then tap Delete.

  3. Tap the Delete icon in the row of the geofence that you want to delete.

  4. To delete the geofence, tap OK.

  5. Tap the Close icon.

Reorder Geofences

Tap the Menu icon and select Geofences. Tap the Edit icon, then tap Reorder. Drag the geofences to reorder them, then tap Save.

Using Geofences with Multiple Devices

If more than one device is active for the geofence, then the first device to enter activates the Enters Area favorite and the last device to exit the geofence activates the Exits Area favorite.

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