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Note: Profiles are only available on XR150/XR550 Series systems.

On commercial systems, profiles allow you to assign custom access permissions for different employee groups in your system. Learn how to add, edit, and delete profiles by completing the following steps. For more information about available options, refer to Profiles Reference.

Add a Profile

  1. Tap the Menu icon and select Profiles.

  2. Tap the Edit icon, then tap Add.

  3. Name the profile.

  4. If necessary, enter values for Rearm Delay, Output Group, and Inactive Audit User Days.

  5. In Areas, select the areas and permission levels that apply to members of the profile.

  6. In Schedules, select any schedules that apply.

  7. In Options, select the options that apply to members of the profile. For information about what each permission does, select the Info icon next to that option.

  8. Tap Save.

Prefer a Video?

In this clip, we’ll show you how to add and manage profiles on the Virtual Keypad App.

Edit a Profile

  1. Tap the Menu icon and select Profiles.

  2. Select the profile that you want to edit.

  3. Make your changes, then tap Save.

Delete a Profile

  1. Tap the Menu icon and select Profiles.

  2. Tap the Edit icon, then tap Delete.

  3. In the row of the profile that you want to delete, tap the Delete icon.

  4. A dialog pops up to confirm your decision. To delete the profile, press OK.

  5. Tap the Close icon.

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