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Rooms enables you to take a picture or view a room from a live camera stream. You can place hotspots on the photo to control your Z-Wave devices. Once devices have been assigned to a hotspot, you can change the condition of the Z-Wave device by tapping the hotspot.

Add a Room

  1. Tap the Menu icon and select Rooms.

  2. Tap the Edit icon, then tap Add.

  3. Choose whether to take a photo with your device’s camera or use a photo from your gallery.

  4. Enter a name for the room.

  5. Select specific places to create hotspots for your Z-Wave devices or Favorites.

    • Favorite—Select to add a favorite to the hotspot.

    • Device—Select to add a single Z-Wave device to the hotspot.

  6. Tap Save.

Edit a Room

  1. Tap the Menu icon and select Rooms.

  2. Tap the room that you want to edit.

  3. Adjust room settings, then tap Save.

Delete a Room

  1. Tap the Menu icon and select Rooms.

  2. Tap the Edit icon, then tap Delete.

  3. Tap the Delete icon in the row of the room that you want to delete.

  4. To delete the room, tap OK.

  5. Tap the Close icon.

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