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Authority Level Reference

When creating a user code, you either select a pre-defined authority type or assign profiles to the user depending on your system type. For more information about profiles, refer to the help article on Profiles.

The following sections include definitions of authority level types, the permissions that each level has, and definitions of each permission.

Authority Level Types

  • Master: The highest authority level. The user is granted all system permissions.

  • Standard: The user is granted all system permissions except administrative permissions.

  • Limited: The user is granted all system permissions except administrative permissions and they cannot bypass zones.

  • Scheduled: The user is granted basic system permissions that don’t include administrative or maintenance permissions.

  • Arm Only: The user can only arm the system.

  • Access Only: The user is only granted temporary door access and cannot lock and unlock doors. The following features are hidden from the user:

    • Events

    • Video

    • Video Doorbell

    • Video Actions

    • Rules (X1 only)

    • Lockdown

    • Push Notifications

  • Temporary: The user code expires at the date and time you specify. Codes set up with Virtual Keypad and Dealer Admin can stay active for up to 7 days, then will automatically expire. Codes active for more than 7 days can be set up only with the keypad. Any authority level except Master can be defined as a temporary code.

Permissions by Authority Level






Arm Only

Access Only















Door Access







Alarm Silence







User Check-in







Zone Activity Check







Sensor Reset







Display Events







Zone Monitor







Outputs On/Off







System Test







Favorites Setup







Bypass Zones







Z-Wave Setup







Wi-Fi Setup







User Codes





















Set Time







Service Request







Permissions Glossary

  • Arm: Arm the system.

  • Disarm: Disarm the system.

  • Door Access: Grant temporary door access.

  • Alarm Silence: Silence a system alarm.

  • User Check-in: The system checks in to determine if the user is on the premises.

  • Zone Activity Check: Monitor a zone for non-activity. This could be used for a person living alone to detect when they have not moved about to trip a disarmed zone within a programmed period of time. This feature is optional. The Zone Activity Check is disabled when a schedule is entered to allow for sleeping hours and is automatically enabled when an area is disarmed.

  • Sensor Reset: Reset all system sensors. A sensor reset is required for all smoke detectors, flood sensors, and temperature sensors that have triggered an alarm, as well as system restoral after a lockdown is ended. A sensor reset is also required to clear a low battery (LOBAT) message after changing a wireless device’s batteries.

  • Display Events: View system events.

  • Zone Monitor: Enable the chime function.

  • Outputs On/Off: Turn outputs on or off.

  • System Test: Initiate a system test from the User Menu.

  • Favorites Setup: Configure Z-Wave favorites for the system.

  • Bypass Zones: Bypass zones when arming the system.

  • Z-Wave Setup: Add, edit, and delete Z-Wave devices like appliances, locks, lights, and thermostats.

  • Wi-Fi Setup: View the system’s Wi-Fi settings, connect to available Wi-Fi networks, and use WPS association.

  • User Codes: Add, change, or delete user codes.

  • Schedules: Add, edit, or delete schedules.

  • Extend: Extend a schedule for 2, 4, 6, or 8 hours.

  • Set Time: Change the system date and time from the User Menu.

  • Service Request: Request a service call from your security provider.

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